31 December 2022


Dear citizens of the Republic of Armenia!


The year 2022 was full of many trials and challenges for the Armenian people and our country. Although we had losses and difficulties during the past year, however, the New Year is the most important period of time when we have to look back at the passing year with the belief that brighter days are still ahead for our State and for each of us. The New Year is a time to reassess the past, summarize the passing year and consider new opportunities. Unfortunately, today our region is in a difficult situation. The consequences of Azerbaijan's September aggression against the sovereign territory of Armenia and the blockade of the only "road of life" connecting Artsakh with Armenia and the world in recent weeks have caused a genuine humanitarian crisis. Similar actions of the Azerbaijani authorities also strike the "free world", democracy, the rule of law and the progressive system of human rights and fundamental freedoms that our state adheres to. In such conditions, the key to our success will largely depend not only on the continuous operation of the constitutional authorities and the state system, but also on the firm conviction of every citizen of Armenia in their own strength and efforts, as well as on the proper assessment of the existing opportunities. I am confident that currently, each of us is endowed with an unbending will, desire and commitment not to give up but to fight and create as never before.


Dear Compatriots!


The year 2022 was marked by the commencement of the process of thorough institutional reforms for the Constitutional Court. In the past year, the High Court initiated and continues to implement a number of projects aimed at equipping the constitutional justice system with modern and digital solutions, making it more inclusive, transparent and accountable. This process is greatly supported by our international partners, as well as the Justices and the staff of the High Court involved in the day-to-day activities.


Dear Compatriots!


First of all, I wish to address my best New Year wishes and sincere words of gratitude to all the soldiers and officers who are now on the front line, on combat duty to defend the State Frontier of the Republic of Armenia, as well as those in military units. Thank you for your selfless and brave service, for continuing to stand on guard in the name of peace! I also congratulate and express special words of gratitude to all those employees of law enforcement agencies, the healthcare sector of the Republic of Armenia and all those who celebrate the New Year not among relatives and friends, but at the workplace.
On behalf of the Constitutional Court, I wish peace to our homeland, as well as health, well-being and happiness to our families. Let the atmosphere of love, care and mutual understanding always reign in our homes!


Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
